Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Happy 30th Birthday Katie!

I just wanted to take this moment to recognize my fabulous sister's 30th birthday!

Katie David Mendenhall is not only my sister, but my best friend and I would be lost in this world without her!

I wish I could celebrate with you sis, but know that I am thinking about you and sending you lots of love and birthday wishes from Kampala!

I love you so much.


Unknown said...

Where is Jimbo's hair??????
I love both the videos......y'all amaze me.

Katie said...

I am so lucky. Thank you Mollie and Jimbo. You had me crying at my desk. I miss and love you both. glad you are eating on my bday...I was worried you weren't getting much food.

Unknown said...

It was fun Skyping this AM.The Blogs and emails are awesome! I got tears in my eyes watching the videos. I'm so proud of you two. God has great plans for you and I pray he will continue to bless you. Love you both, TD

Unknown said...

Glad I have two wonderful daughters and also two amazing you all!!!