Thursday, October 15, 2009

Catching Up

We should hear back from InterAid today. We are all hoping for good news. Today is also the day that Annet and Jacob, teachers at Hope, are having a seminar in town about working with refugees. So that means that Mollie and I will be sitting in for them at school. Mollie will teach Annet's English classes and I will teach Jacob's math classes until noon. I'm a little nervous. I suppose because I don't want to look silly or incapable. What ego, huh? There is also the understanding I have with myself that by doing something I'm not completely comfortable with, then I will have the chance to grow.

They have midterm exams starting tomorrow. It is so interesting to see how two very different societies do the same things, midterms are midterms. Teachers were in the office separating tests into piles for each grade just as I can imagine my teachers have done a thousand times. But here there are less chairs, tables, floors, walls, hallways. We all learn the Pythagorean Theorem, but these students do it without running water. I don't mean to impose a judgment. We are all where we are and that's that. There is no sense in fighting against reality, but fighting for a better environment is certainly worth while. I am simply amazed at how similar in character we all are despite our situations here on earth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jimbo, you look like a natural with the kids.....I am sure they loved having you both teach....