Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Morning Meditations

It has been many days since I have been still enough to let pen and paper absorb my thoughts. It is not as if I'm moving around that much or that I'm that busy. Making the time is my only responsibility, and somehow that is not always easy to do. I just read a morning meditation on joy. I don't know why I don't do this every morning. With each sentence, I squeeze like fresh orange a glass of nourishing words into my empty glass. My senses sharpen and my breath quiets as I read and reread each thought. What can I say about joy? I know who she is and where she lives, but lately we've been missing each other. I have been taking myself too seriously, which is something Joy would never do. I have been worrying about things I know I can't control. This is my form of suffering: self-indulgence. "What about me?" I'm screaming. Then like a mother distracting her child from crying, life shows up and shakes my hand. I'm totally there: feeling the skin, the strength of the handshake, looking into the eyes of acceptance and friendship, and then letting go. I notice myself screaming again. Why do I want more than what life gives me? This is the challenge of enlightenment, to suffering. Today I have made room for Joy. She taps me on the shoulder with a pineapple in her hand and asks me for breakfast. "Thank you," I said.

I woke up this morning and found that the spirit was already awake in me. Some mornings I can miss it completely, and I go all day without it because sometimes fighting with my energy is easier than accepting it. This morning though as I saw Spirit stretching its arms high into the air breathing into every space of its existence, I smiled and stretched with it. I love meeting the day this way. I sense that Spirit would like to stretch every morning with me. Quietly it whispers, "Come when you want and just as you are."

GOOOOOOO DAWGS! Mollie and I are devoting the whole day to DAWG awareness. We will have all of Ndejje chanting by the end of the weekend. We are even planning a little trick or treating to help our new friends get their heads around our Halloween traditions. Be safe and have a Wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sad day for the DAWG nation....everyone asked about you two, and we loved telling them all the wonderful things you are doing..keep it up!! And stay well.