Hello Everyone! We hope you have all had a wonderful fall and are ready to take on another winter. Last year this time Mollie and I were living in Ndejje, Uganda working with Hope Primary School and the refugee community. This year we are excited to be making things happen back at home in Athens, GA. Thanks to all of you we were able to do some incredible things for Hope Primary School and the refugee community of Ndejje. The director, Jacques, of Hope Primary School wrote a report on the progress that was made and we wanted to share it with all of you.
"During their six month stay with us, Global Ties was able to come up with the following realizations thanks to a successful fundraising campaign:
1. Access to water was developed along with the construction of a water harvesting system next to the toilets to allow for good toilet habitats at school.
2. A school canteen was constructed adjacent to the 4 classroom building to supply the children and the surrounding community with food supplies and other goods, which gives the school an additional stream of revenue.
3. The much needed remaining three classrooms were constructed finally making Hope School a complete school since it's creation in 2001.
4. The original 4 classrooms were nicely floored.
5. An order was placed at Kamba Cooperative to sew different types of bags, napkins, and bowties made of 'Kitenge' fabric from the D. R. Congo.
The amount of money invested in the above projects is more that USD 10,000. Obviously it is an unimaginable amount of money for our school to realize and more so all the above mentioned to be realized in just six month."
These are amazing improvements, and as Jacques said, an unimaginable amount of money in just six months. Working with Hope School and the refugee community has been such a gift to us, and we are excited to carry our mission forward. This year we are launching our second annual Christmas Ornament Fundraiser and the proceeds will go to finishing what we started. We still need windows, doors, and cement to plaster the walls to finish the classrooms. I know we can do it! Let's finish it!
We are selling our ornaments again this year for just $5. These were hand made by the Kamba Shop Cooperative. We have a limited number so if you are interested you can comment on this post or you can email me directly at jimbograves@gmail.com.